In a capitalist society anything which cannot be given value is tossed aside. Thus, it is also said that value creates relationship and classification. As there are somebodies and nobodies, there are also the haves and have nots. When we place value on some things more than others do we not always invite the potential for exploitation? Is this not what capitalism is founded upon? The exploitation of a need? Yet how much need is manufactured? Is humanity to forever define itself by the pursuits of a select few with the means and motive? Can the paradigm of commodification and consumption be reformed or gotten rid of altogether? If this is the system we have dispersed globally (the system of consumption), will there come a time when the value of health, justice, and equality, spiritual wellness, etc could also be “sold” and profited by? Today we sell happiness in the form of property, possessions and fiscal wealth. Maybe tomorrow we could see the profitability of sustainability, equity and unification? Why haven’t we started this? Because all great spiritual and transformative growth arises out of pain. When it becomes painful enough, it is necessary to change. Unfortunately, it may be, that our event horizon is already upon us, and the time for change has already passed. If you are American, and you are reading this, it may be you’ve done little to change because you would encounter great sacrifice to make due on this promise. The rewards of the few come by the sacrifice of the many. I will never submit to the ideology that hard work and perseverance will bring success and prosperity.... this fallacy is being smashed every single day. The veil of the individualists grows thinner each day. It will of course be the masses who again overturn this edifice... but to what extent will history once again repeat itself? Will the era of man made out of corn be able to change his selfish ways and transcend to a higher conscious (mayan prophecy), or will his time come to an end?